Goa Institute of Management, Panaji,
GIM has invited applications for admission to the following courses of Academic Year 2012-14:
Post-graduate Diploma In Management (PGDM)
Post-graduate Diploma In Management - Part Time (PGDM-PT)
Minimum 50% aggregate marks in a three-year Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) recognized by the Association of Indian Universities/AICTE. Candidates who will complete all requirements for the degree by 16th June 2012 may also apply. If an applicant does not complete all the requirements of his degree by 16th June 2012, or does not obtain 50% aggregate marks in his degree, the offer of admission made to him will stand cancelled
Minimum 50% marks in a three-year Bachelors degree or equivalent in any discipline, recognised by the UGC/AICTE/AIU as eligible for Post Graduate Studies in Management; and Full time work experience of at least three years in an executive/ supervisory position after graduation.
* Obtain form and brochure (CD) against the payment of Rs. 750/- by cash or DD drawn in favour of ‘Goa Institute of Management’ payable at Panaji or
* Logon to link: http://www.gim.ac.in/uploads/misc/emba_admission_form.pdf to download and print the form or,
* Request for a soft copy on emba@gim.ac.in, print the form , and submit to ‘Admissions Office’ GIM, with payment, and collect brochure.
Application forms available from: October 1st, 2011.
Last date for receipt of applications along with payments: December 31st, 2011.
Admission test : (XAT 2012) January 8th, 2012.
Personal interviews for short listed candidates : April 2nd Week, 2012.
Final list of selected candidates : April 4th Week, 2012.
Last Day for Registration and payment of fees: May 1st Week, 2012.
For details, logon to the link: http://www.gim.ac.in/gim_admission_process.php
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