Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Institute of Agri Business Management, Ph.D in Agri Business Admissions 2011-2012

Institute of Agri Business Management
Established in Year 2000
(Approved by Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner


Ph.D in Agri Business Admissions 2011-2012

Role of MBA (AB) has been realized long back and number of institutes started offering such programme. This has created a big demand of qualified manpower in Agri Business education. IABM is taking lead and proud to announce admission to its first batch of Ph.D. (Agri Business) from the academic session 2011-12 to fulfill this gap.

Course Curriculum
The course curriculum is designed to sharpen skill of the students in the area of education and consultancy with special reference to agri business. Pedagogy is designed so as to develop critical thinking on the knowledge acquired through the courses during management degree.

Ph. D. (AB) programme shall be required to complete a minimum period of 3 semesters to complete the course work and 2 semesters for research work.
The students without MBA in Agribusiness shall have to pass deficiency courses suggested by a committee framed by the Director. The suggested courses of MBA (AB) need to be completed by the student before offering courses of the regular Ph. D. (AB) Programme.

Indian Nations having post graduate degree in agriculture and allied subjects/ MBA (AB) / MBA having at least 7.0/10.0 OGPA or equivalent percentage are eligible for admission.

Number of Seats
The intake capacity is two seats.

Reservation of Seats
Seats for candidates and Kashmiri migrants are reserved as per the reservation policy of the Government of Rajasthan, implemented by the University.

Admission Procedure

The admission to the programme will be done as per the eligibility criteria set up by the institute.
Candidates aspiring to join the programme will be required to submit the application form online as per the undermentioned schedule. The hard copy of online submitted application form, alongwith demand draft of Rs. 2000/- payable at any nationalized bank in Bikaner, be forwarded to Director, Institute of Agri Business Management, S K Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner – 334006.
A candidate may opt for walk in interview by submitting the application form along with demand draft of Rs. 4000/- payable at any nationalized bank in Bikaner. Admission cannot be claimed by any candidate as a matter of right. Bikaner Court alone shall have jurisdiction to determine all disputes pertaining to interpretation of provisions under eligibility criteria.

Teaching Assistantship
An amount of Rupees 12000/- pm for 1st and 2nd year and Rupees 14000/- pm for 3rd year shall be paid for teaching assistantship.

Dates for submitting Application form (online) September 15 to October 05, 2011
Last date for receipt of Application with demand draft October 12, 2011
Date of interview October 17, 2011

Ragging is prohibited as per the Decision of the Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition No. (C) 656/1998.
Candidates must maintain an email account and a contact number (Land / Mobile) throughout the selection process

For more details:

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