Saturday, February 23, 2013

TISS Announcement for Rural Livelihood Internship Batch 2013

Announcement for Rural Livelihood Internship Batch 2013

Supported by Ford Foundation India & led by “Livelihoods MANTHAN Consortium”, TISS has initiated a “Rural Livelihood Interns (Young India: Build India) program for mentoring and facilitating the process of creating a cadre of committed, talented and high quality Livelihood professionals from management and social science institutions ready to be deployed as capacity building catalysts in the intervention districts of National Rural Livelihood Mission, (NRLM) a flagship program of Ministry of Rural Development (GoI). The scheme is anchored at the Centre for Public Policy, Habitat & Human Development at School of Development Studies, TISS(Mumbai)

Objectives of Livelihood Interns
1. Provide capacity building and programming support for effective implementation of National Rural Livelihood Mission, a flagship program of Ministry of Rural Development
(GoI) in various states through designing livelihood-based perspective plans and mapping of livelihood opportunities in the relevant areas of intervention.
2. Establish or strengthen management and human resource systems through exploring
alternative ways of enhancing existing livelihood options of the poor, build skills for the
job market and nurture self-employment especially among BPL households and tribal communities.
3. Trigger processes of social mobilization and financial services which would facilitate
building institutions of pro- poor-SHGs, their federations, Livelihood Collectives and Micro-enterprises- for successful implementation of NRLM

Launch Schedule:
Announcement of the scheme at TISS: 18 February 2013
Application deadline --------------------------28 February 2013
Shortlisting and selection----------------------- 6 March 2013
Declaration of List of Selected Interns---- 11 March 2013
Expected Schedule: Start 1 s t May 2013 to June 2013.

Applications for Internship need to be sent to:

1. Must be 21-25 years old Eligibility Criteria
 ( relaxed in the case of SC/ST/OBC/ Minorities/Women candidates)
2. Must be a student pursuing a post graduate degree/diploma in one of the institutes in
the consortia, however, the scheme is available only for First Year students.
3. Care should be taken to ensure that interns have familiarity or exposure to regional/ local language in the areas of livelihood intervention.
4. Care should be taken to ensure that diversity of student body is reflected in the selection and placement of Livelihood Interns.
5. Applications outside “Livelihoods MANTHAN consortium” will not be entertained; only
students from TISS (Mumbai-Tuljapur-Guwahati-Hyderbad Campus) are eligible for this internship opportunity.

Duration of Internship
· The Livelihood Interns scheme is envisaged as a short-term 6 week to 8 week exposure and learning experience for young university students in management and social science institutes.
· The Interns program would be deemed to have completed if the candidate completes
minimum duration of 6 weeks.
Stipend: Rs. 30,000 per month inclusive of all. (calculated on pro-rata basis)

Guidelines for the selection of the Interns:
1. The selection of Interns will be done in accordance with guidelines developed by the
consortium and project -director. The anchor or lead person from each participating institute either nominates candidates through short listing candidates or selects candidates through a brief interaction with short-listed candidates for ascertaining their motivation, commitment, leadership, pro-poor orientation and desire to innovate and excel. In any issue arising out of selection, the final authority rests with the anchor or lead person in each participating institute.
2. A selection committee headed by project-director may be formed. Based on availability & convenience, eminent person,professional or academic having experience in rural livelihoods and financial inclusion will be invited to participate in the selection of interns.
3. The application for Interns would be invited and received online.
4. The applications for Livelihood Interns would include a resume, a JPG passport size
picture and a brief write up(500 words) explaining why they want to be work on livelihood issues in rural India.
5. The applicants also need to express their area of expertise in terms of dissertation, research report or specialization of any kind and also disclose if they are applying to other fellowship/Internship programs.
6. Candidates for Livelihood Interns indicate their knowledge of regional/local language
and also preference for states.
7. Following selection, the candidates would be required to give an undertaking of successfully completing the internship.
8. The participating institutes would not take the responsibility of providing local accommodation, food and transport facility during internship. Project Office at Center for Public Policy, Habitat & Human Development at School of Development Studies will provide facilitation support.
9. Total number of internship will be shared among participating institutes; this year XIMB (Bhubaneswar) has already shortlisted 5 candidates. EDI( Ahmadabad) will shortly select its candidates for internship. We are expecting not more than 15 Internships for TISS.
10.The shortlisted candidate's placement would be decided by the state teams of Rural
Livelihood Missions. The host institute would play a facilitating role but the actual placement of interns would depend on the decision-makers in the SRLMs in various states. The requirement for Interns would be assessed by state teams of Livelihood Mission. In short, short listing of potential candidates does not automatically guarantee
internship placement.
11. Those shortlisted for Livelihood Internship shall have to comply with the rules and regulations of their institutes/schools/centres. In case of any conflict with their academic schedule, they need to take the prior permission for fulfilling the obligations of the internship with state teams of rural livelihood missions.
12.Those who are shortlisted should continue to explore other internship opportunities in the institute or elsewhere if they have to fulfil any academic requirement. The host institute would try its best to co-ordinate with state governments for placing interns but it
may be possible that some shortlisted candidates are not able to be placed with states of their preference or remain unplaced due to administrative reasons beyond our control.
13. Any delay or disruption in the schedule beyond administrative control of implementing institute would be deeply regretted. Since the implementation of National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) is still in its infancy in the states, we expect some disruption in our schedule. The host institute would do its best to keep shortlisted candidates posted about any developments in this regard.
14.The decision of the committee would be final and no query whatsoever will be entertained in this regard.
15.Selected and placed Interns may earn academic credits/points for the work experience as per the rules of their academic institute.
16.At the end of Internship, Incumbents would be awarded with a certificate of successful completion of Internship.
17.An internship brochure with brief details of interns and their success stories will be provided and shared with consortia partners
18.Interns are also expected to join “ RLI Google” platform for sharing their experiences
and feedback.
19.Any form of canvassing for internship selection will lead to disqualification of the candidacy.
20. Any changes in the guidelines for internship for operational reasons will be affected by the Project-Director and will be informed to the consortium.
Orientation/Induction of Interns Selected Interns will be provided orientation / induction support at TISS (Mumbai) or a location decided by partner institutes. The format, venue and time of orientation / induction will be decided by the project director at TISS.
Placement of Livelihood Interns; After the orientation/induction program at TISS or any other location, the Interns will be placed with NRLM teams in different states ; the participating institute will have discretion and flexibility in placing interns in their state of preference.

Performance Assessment of Interns
After successful completion of two-month (or 6 week) tenure, each Intern would submit a 8- 10 page short monograph on their experience or challenges in the implementation of NRLM in the area of intervention; this is a mandatory requirement failing which internship will be forfeited.

Area of Intervention for the Project
Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra , Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh , Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha; a formal request to National and state level teams of Livelihood Mission will be be made for hosting Interns.

Participating Institutes in consortia for “Livelihoods MANTHAN Consortium ”
TISS (Mumbai)---Lead Anchor
XIMB (Bhubaneswar)
IIM (Udaipur)
XLRI (Jamshedpur)
MDI (Gurgaon)
EDI (Ahmadabad)
Chaitanya( Pune)
The Livelihood School (Hyderabad)

Project-Director at TISS; Prof. Ashwani Kumar, Chairperson, Center for Public Policy, Habitat & Human Development at School of Development Studies (TISS);
Members of Advisory Group for RL Interns at TISS are
Prof. Satyajit Mazumdar,Center for Social Entrepreneurship &
Prof. KS Gopal at TISS.
Mr. Sudhansu Behera is Project officer for RL Interns.
In case of query, kindly write to

For details, see the link:

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