Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay)
CEED 2012
Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED) 2012
Please Note that the CEED 2012 Examination will be conducted on 4 December 2011.
About CEED
Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED) is an all India examination conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India.
The objective of CEED is to assess the candidate’s aptitude for design, involving visual perception ability, drawing skills, logical reasoning, creativity, and communication skills.
What is new in CEED 2012?
’ CEED 2012 examination will be conducted on Sunday, 4th December, 2011 between 14:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs. This is approximately one month earlier than previous years.
’ The examination will be conducted in two Parts, A and B. All candidates must answer both Parts.
PART-A is a screening test.
PART-B will be evaluated for candidates who will be short-listed in the screening test
1.2 Programmes: CEED is a qualifying examination for the following postgraduate
programmes in design:
(a) Master of Design Programmes
IISc Bangalore: M.Des. in Product Design and Engineering*
IIT Bombay: M.Des. in (i) Industrial Design, (ii) Visual Communication,
(iii) Animation, (iv) Interaction Design, (v) Mobility and Vehicle Design.
IIT Delhi: M.Des. in Industrial Design
IIT Guwahati: M.Des. in Design
IIT Kanpur: M.Des. in Industrial Design*
*GATE qualified candidates will also be considered for admission to these programmes.
(b) Ph.D Programmes in Design (IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay)
Details may be obtained from respective web sites.
Eligibility for CEED 2012: Candidates must either have completed or be expecting to complete any of the following, by July 2012:
(i) Bachelor's degree in Engineering / Architecture / Design/ Interior Design or equivalent
(ii) Professional Diploma in Design (NID/CEPT or equivalent of 4 years duration after 10+2)
(iii) B.F.A. (4 year professional programme, after 10+2)
(iv) G.D. Art (5 year programme after 10th) with one year professional experience
(v) Master’s degree in Arts / Science / Computer Applications
The candidate is responsible for showing eligibility while seeking admission to the specific programme in which they are interested.
There is no age limit and a candidate can appear in CEED any number of times.
Application Form and Brochure: CEED Application Form must be submitted online, through the website . The application fee (non refundable) is Rs. 950/- (Rs. 475/- for SC/ST/PD Applicants).
Application Submission:
The application may be submitted in person at the counter of GATE Office, IIT Bombay or mailed only by Registered Post or Speed Post so as to reach the GATE Office, IIT Bombay on or before 14th October 2011. The mailing address is:
GATE Office
IIT Bombay
Powai, Mumbai-400076
The examination is from 1400 hours to 1700 hours on Sunday, 4th December, 2011 and will not have any break.
Candidates should report to the examination centre, at least half an hour before the scheduled commencement of the examination. Most of the centres are located outside the main city and candidates may have to walk a good distance from the campus main gate to reach the examination venue.
The seating arrangement will be displayed on the notice board of the examination centre.
A candidate has to bring his/her own pencils of different grades (e.g. H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B etc.), sketch pens, poster colors, and other drawing materials for the examination. No drawing sheets have to be brought.
The question paper will be in English. No specific text book or guide book is recommended for preparation. Candidates may however polish up their drawing, rendering and visualization skills.
Examination Centres: Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Mumbai, and Roorkee
After submission of the application, request for change of examination city will be accepted till November 20, 2011 with a fee of Rs. 400/- to be paid in the form of demand draft in favor of 'IIT Bombay'.
Important Dates:
Access to Application through website 12th Sept. 2011 – 7th Oct. 2011
Last Date for submitting of Application (Website closure) Friday, 7th Oct. 2011
Last Date for Receipt of Completed Application at the GATE Office, IIT Bombay
Friday, 14th Oct. 2011
A Candidate can contact GATE Office, IIT Bombay for non-receipt of admit card
Tuesday,22nd November 2011
Date of Examination Sunday, 4th December 2011 (1400 to 1700 hours)
Announcement of Results Friday, 20th January 2012 (after 1000 hours)
Applying for Admission to Various Programmes:
Qualifying in CEED does not guarantee admission in any way. A candidate has to apply to respective institutes for admission and fulfill other requirements such as tests and interviews of the respective institutions for admission.
The announcement for admission to the postgraduate programmes in design will be notified separately by the different institutes, starting from November 2011.
Reservation for various categories will be as per Government of India rules applicable at the time of admission.
A limited number of assistantships, based on merit, are available to CEED qualified students, to pursue the programmes.
The criteria for postgraduate admission and award of scholarship / assistance are different in different institutes. GATE office, IIT Bombay is not in a position to provide information in this regard. Some information on various programmes is given later in this brochure. For more details or any specific queries on admission and programme of any institute, the candidate should contact the concerned head / convener / coordinator.
Information on the programme may be obtained from the websites of the respective
institutes, as given below.
IISc Bangalore: CPDM:
IIT Bombay: IDC:
IIT Delhi: IDDC:
IIT Guwahati: DOD:
IIT Kanpur: DesignProgramme:
Candidates are encouraged to visit the respective institutes and meet the students and faculty of the design programmes to discuss the eligibility requirements and programme details.
CEED is a qualifying examination for the following postgraduate programmes in design:
(a) Master of Design Programmes
IISc Bangalore: M.Des. in Product Design and Engineering*
IIT Bombay: M.Des. in (i) Industrial Design, (ii) Visual Communication,
(iii) Animation, (iv) Interaction Design, (v) Mobility and Vehicle Design.
IIT Delhi: M.Des. in Industrial Design
IIT Guwahati: M.Des. in Design
IIT Kanpur: M.Des. in Industrial Design*
*GATE qualified candidates will also be considered for admission to these programmes.
(b) Ph.D Programmes in Design (IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay)
Details may be obtained from respective web sites.
Eligibility for CEED 2012:
Candidates must either have completed or be expecting to complete any of the following, by July 2012:
(i) Bachelor's degree in Engineering / Architecture / Design/ Interior Design or equivalent
(ii) Professional Diploma in Design (NID/CEPT or equivalent of 4 years duration after 10+2)
(iii) B.F.A. (4 year professional programme, after 10+2)
(iv) G.D. Art (5 year programme after 10th) with one year professional experience
(v) Master’s degree in Arts / Science / Computer Applications
The candidate is responsible for showing eligibility while seeking admission to the specific programme in which they are interested.
There is no age limit and a candidate can appear in CEED any number of times.
Contact Address:
Enquiries about CEED may be addressed to:
Chairman GATE 2012
GATE Office
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai 400076
Phone: 022-25767068
Fax: 022-2572 3706
E Mail: gateoffice[at]
For any specific queries on admission and programme, please contact the Head / Convener / Coordinator of design programme at the concerned institute:
CEED 2012
Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED) 2012
Please Note that the CEED 2012 Examination will be conducted on 4 December 2011.
About CEED
Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED) is an all India examination conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India.
The objective of CEED is to assess the candidate’s aptitude for design, involving visual perception ability, drawing skills, logical reasoning, creativity, and communication skills.
What is new in CEED 2012?
’ CEED 2012 examination will be conducted on Sunday, 4th December, 2011 between 14:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs. This is approximately one month earlier than previous years.
’ The examination will be conducted in two Parts, A and B. All candidates must answer both Parts.
PART-A is a screening test.
PART-B will be evaluated for candidates who will be short-listed in the screening test
1.2 Programmes: CEED is a qualifying examination for the following postgraduate
programmes in design:
(a) Master of Design Programmes
IISc Bangalore: M.Des. in Product Design and Engineering*
IIT Bombay: M.Des. in (i) Industrial Design, (ii) Visual Communication,
(iii) Animation, (iv) Interaction Design, (v) Mobility and Vehicle Design.
IIT Delhi: M.Des. in Industrial Design
IIT Guwahati: M.Des. in Design
IIT Kanpur: M.Des. in Industrial Design*
*GATE qualified candidates will also be considered for admission to these programmes.
(b) Ph.D Programmes in Design (IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay)
Details may be obtained from respective web sites.
Eligibility for CEED 2012: Candidates must either have completed or be expecting to complete any of the following, by July 2012:
(i) Bachelor's degree in Engineering / Architecture / Design/ Interior Design or equivalent
(ii) Professional Diploma in Design (NID/CEPT or equivalent of 4 years duration after 10+2)
(iii) B.F.A. (4 year professional programme, after 10+2)
(iv) G.D. Art (5 year programme after 10th) with one year professional experience
(v) Master’s degree in Arts / Science / Computer Applications
The candidate is responsible for showing eligibility while seeking admission to the specific programme in which they are interested.
There is no age limit and a candidate can appear in CEED any number of times.
Application Form and Brochure: CEED Application Form must be submitted online, through the website . The application fee (non refundable) is Rs. 950/- (Rs. 475/- for SC/ST/PD Applicants).
Application Submission:
The application may be submitted in person at the counter of GATE Office, IIT Bombay or mailed only by Registered Post or Speed Post so as to reach the GATE Office, IIT Bombay on or before 14th October 2011. The mailing address is:
GATE Office
IIT Bombay
Powai, Mumbai-400076
The examination is from 1400 hours to 1700 hours on Sunday, 4th December, 2011 and will not have any break.
Candidates should report to the examination centre, at least half an hour before the scheduled commencement of the examination. Most of the centres are located outside the main city and candidates may have to walk a good distance from the campus main gate to reach the examination venue.
The seating arrangement will be displayed on the notice board of the examination centre.
A candidate has to bring his/her own pencils of different grades (e.g. H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B etc.), sketch pens, poster colors, and other drawing materials for the examination. No drawing sheets have to be brought.
The question paper will be in English. No specific text book or guide book is recommended for preparation. Candidates may however polish up their drawing, rendering and visualization skills.
Examination Centres: Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Mumbai, and Roorkee
After submission of the application, request for change of examination city will be accepted till November 20, 2011 with a fee of Rs. 400/- to be paid in the form of demand draft in favor of 'IIT Bombay'.
Important Dates:
Access to Application through website 12th Sept. 2011 – 7th Oct. 2011
Last Date for submitting of Application (Website closure) Friday, 7th Oct. 2011
Last Date for Receipt of Completed Application at the GATE Office, IIT Bombay
Friday, 14th Oct. 2011
A Candidate can contact GATE Office, IIT Bombay for non-receipt of admit card
Tuesday,22nd November 2011
Date of Examination Sunday, 4th December 2011 (1400 to 1700 hours)
Announcement of Results Friday, 20th January 2012 (after 1000 hours)
Applying for Admission to Various Programmes:
Qualifying in CEED does not guarantee admission in any way. A candidate has to apply to respective institutes for admission and fulfill other requirements such as tests and interviews of the respective institutions for admission.
The announcement for admission to the postgraduate programmes in design will be notified separately by the different institutes, starting from November 2011.
Reservation for various categories will be as per Government of India rules applicable at the time of admission.
A limited number of assistantships, based on merit, are available to CEED qualified students, to pursue the programmes.
The criteria for postgraduate admission and award of scholarship / assistance are different in different institutes. GATE office, IIT Bombay is not in a position to provide information in this regard. Some information on various programmes is given later in this brochure. For more details or any specific queries on admission and programme of any institute, the candidate should contact the concerned head / convener / coordinator.
Information on the programme may be obtained from the websites of the respective
institutes, as given below.
IISc Bangalore: CPDM:
IIT Bombay: IDC:
IIT Delhi: IDDC:
IIT Guwahati: DOD:
IIT Kanpur: DesignProgramme:
Candidates are encouraged to visit the respective institutes and meet the students and faculty of the design programmes to discuss the eligibility requirements and programme details.
CEED is a qualifying examination for the following postgraduate programmes in design:
(a) Master of Design Programmes
IISc Bangalore: M.Des. in Product Design and Engineering*
IIT Bombay: M.Des. in (i) Industrial Design, (ii) Visual Communication,
(iii) Animation, (iv) Interaction Design, (v) Mobility and Vehicle Design.
IIT Delhi: M.Des. in Industrial Design
IIT Guwahati: M.Des. in Design
IIT Kanpur: M.Des. in Industrial Design*
*GATE qualified candidates will also be considered for admission to these programmes.
(b) Ph.D Programmes in Design (IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay)
Details may be obtained from respective web sites.
Eligibility for CEED 2012:
Candidates must either have completed or be expecting to complete any of the following, by July 2012:
(i) Bachelor's degree in Engineering / Architecture / Design/ Interior Design or equivalent
(ii) Professional Diploma in Design (NID/CEPT or equivalent of 4 years duration after 10+2)
(iii) B.F.A. (4 year professional programme, after 10+2)
(iv) G.D. Art (5 year programme after 10th) with one year professional experience
(v) Master’s degree in Arts / Science / Computer Applications
The candidate is responsible for showing eligibility while seeking admission to the specific programme in which they are interested.
There is no age limit and a candidate can appear in CEED any number of times.
Contact Address:
Enquiries about CEED may be addressed to:
Chairman GATE 2012
GATE Office
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai 400076
Phone: 022-25767068
Fax: 022-2572 3706
E Mail: gateoffice[at]
For any specific queries on admission and programme, please contact the Head / Convener / Coordinator of design programme at the concerned institute:
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