Sunday, August 23, 2015

Call for Indo-French EFIPRA programme

Joint Call for Proposals, 2016
Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique(Inria)jointly withthe Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique of France (CNRS)
Under Indo-French Programme(CEFIPRA Targeted Programme)in Information and Communication Science & Technology (ICST)

(Deadline for Submitting Proposals: 30th September, 2015)
Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria) jointly with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique of France (CNRS) launch a joint call for proposals to foster collaboration between scientific Communities of two countries in the area of Information and Communication Science & Technology. In India, on behalf of the Department of Science & Technology, Indo-French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA) invites proposals from the Indian scientists / researchers.

Areas of Collaboration (targeted topic for the call)
Project proposals will be supported in the following scientific areas:
> Distributed and Autonomous Systems;
> Machine Learning
> Cybersecurity.

 Applicants from both countries must fulfil the following requirements: On the Indian side: Applicants have to hold a permanent position as scientists/ Faculty members in universities/ deemed universities, academic institutes and national research and development laboratories/institutes. On the French side: As per CNRS (Link 1)&Inria‘s call for proposal(Link2).
The joint proposal shall be written in English. Proposal submitted to only one Party will not be considered. All applicants must fulfill their national eligibility rules for their research grant application. A format is given for the submission of proposal. Applicants from Indian side should ensure that French collaborator must submit the proposal to Inria (who wants to collaborate with Inria Research Team) or to CNRS (who wants to collaborate with CNRS Research Unit) in their specified format.
Evaluation of Project Proposal:
After the closure date of call, Inria, CNRS and DST will exchange list of proposals, received on their side.Commonly received proposals will be evaluated by DST, CNRS and Inria according to their own evaluation rules, and will rank the proposals based on scientific quality and interest.
The evaluation criteria will be based on the following:
Relevance of the proposal to the call
Technical and Scientific quality of the proposal
Quality of the project management & methodology
Global Impact of the proposal
Quality of the consortium and good synergies between the partners
Mobilization of resources
Added value to be expected from French-Indian research collaboration
Balanced Scientific and Financial contribution
Based on the scientific evaluation, national ranking, and consensus reached through discussions, a joint committee will select the joint project (s) to be supported.

Project funding:
Jointly selected proposals will be funded in India by DST and in France by Inria (for Inria Research Team) or by CNRS (for CNRS Research unit). The joint proposal must meet the criteria of the funding agencies for consideration. Each project will be funded for a period of three years. The indicative funding from each side will be Euro 10000-15000 (8- 12 lakhs) per project per year. The support will be given under the following heads.
 International travel (including airfare (India to France & Vis-a-vis), daily allowance, accommodation anddomestic travel in the receiving country during a participant's stay abroad) for researchers, engineers, post-doctoral Fellows, Ph.D Students as per CEFIPRA norms ( Link-3)
Support for JRF /SRF / PDF (as per DST guidelines)
Contingency Upto Rs. 30,000 per year.

The cost of accident and sickness insurance during travel will not be supported under this Programme. Since, the project is supported mainly for collaboration; applicants have to indicate about the status of co-funding.

Intellectual Property:
The rights of intellectual property arising from the program shall be, in principle, the joint property of the project participants and their employing institutions. In respect of each result, which is to be protected, the project participants shall decide the modalities of protecting the rights. For each selected joint proposal, the project participants shall prepare a joint Intellectual Property Management Plan. Fund will be released only after receiving of the mutually acceptedIP Plan.

Guidelines for submission of applications:
Application in prescribed Format flink-4) along with joint submission agreement signed by both the partners and certificates duly signed by Heads of the Institutions should be submitted to the Director, Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research, 5B, Ground Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003 (India) on or before 30th September, 2015. One Advanced copy must be sent by email to mail id submit<5 cefipra.ore="" span="">. Applications received after due date or receivedon only one side will not be considered for evaluation.
(Deadline for Submitting of proposals: 30th September, 2015)

For further information please contact: Director
Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research 5B, Ground Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003 (India) Tel.: (+91-11) 24682251, (+91-11) 24682252,Fax: (+91-11) 24688632 Website: www.cefipra.ore

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happened across your article while searching via yahoo. I understand the very first paragraph and its great!

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