Saturday, October 26, 2013

Indian Institute of Management Rohtak - Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) 2014

Indian Institute of Management Rohtak
MDU Campus, Rohtak, Haryana, India. 124001
Phone: 01262-228506 Fax: 01262-274051

Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) 2014

IIM Rohtak aims at excelling in the interdisciplinary research globally and is deeply committed to foster fundamental, applied, and policy oriented research. It is open to work with partners from academia, industry and government in fulfilling its goal of excellence. The doctoral programme in management (hereafter, Fellow Programme in Management (FPM)) at IIM Rohtak strives to incorporate the strengths of similar programmes in other IIMs and other major institutions and has included specific innovative features as per the emerging needs. The FPM programme is in line with the vision of the institute to be a global leader in the creation and dissemination of knowledge in management and to be India’s future global learning center like the ancient Nalanda was During 2014-15, the FPM will be offered in the following broad Areas: Business Environment; Financial Management; General Management; Human Resources Management; Information Technology Systems; Marketing; Operations and Strategic Management.

Admission Procedure
The admission to FPM of IIM Rohtak will be open to all Indian citizens, non-resident Indians, persons of Indian origin living abroad and other foreign citizens. Admission will be based on academic qualifications, performance in the qualifying examination/tests, personal interviews and the work experience.

The candidates should have at least one of the following qualifications:
1. Post-Graduate degree or equivalent in any discipline with at least 55% marks or equivalent CGPA.
2. Qualifications of CA, ICWA or CS with at least 50% marks.
3. Professional qualifications such as MBBS, LLB and similar qualifications with at least 55% marks or equivalent CGPA.
4. Engineering degrees, viz., B.Tech and B.E, with at least 60% marks or equivalent CGPA.
5. Candidates with qualifications equivalent to MBA as approved by the Association of Indian Universities.

Qualifying Examination
A candidate should have a valid test score not older than two years from the date of application in any of the following tests:
1. CAT conducted by IIMs
2. GMAT/GRE (General/Advanced)
3. UGC/CSIR JRF (other JRFs will not be considered)
5. PGDM of IIMs not older than 5 years
Those appearing for the final eligibility exams can also apply; but, their final selection will be subject to successful completion of the requirement. Such applicants should submit the required proof of their eligibility qualifications latest by 30th of September 2014 following the date of admission.
The respective Areas will decide its own choice of tests (one or multiple) from among the tests listed above. A candidate can apply to two Areas at a time. Therefore, getting shortlisted or selected in one Area will not guarantee shortlisting or selection in another Area. Further, if different Areas schedule the interviews on the same date and time, the candidate will be required to decide which Area interview s/he would attend and the candidate will not be entitled to claim any special consideration including rescheduling of interviews.
Wherever the total and/or the sectional scores of the qualifying examination mentioned above, the candidates should have scored at least 60 percentile in total and 50 percentile in each of the sections to be eligible to apply for the FPM of IIM Rohtak. In case of GMAT score, it should be 600 and be in the top 15 percentile. The actual cut-off scores used by different Areas for shortlisting may, however, be higher than the scores mentioned as minimum eligibility.
Candidates possessing PGDM of IIMs with a minimum CGPA of 5.5 out of 10 or equivalent will be eligible for applying directly (i.e., without again taking   qualifying examination).
Non-Resident Indians, Persons of Indian origin and other foreign citizens should have a valid GMAT/GRE score of not older than two years from the date of application.

Personal Interview
The number of candidates to be called for interview in each Area will be decided by the Area from year to year. The shortlisted candidates will be called for personal interview at IIM Rohtak or any other venue fixed by the Institute during April 2014 which will be mentioned in the call letter for interview. In the interviews, the candidates will be assessed for their intellectual capabilities, research aptitude and interest in the management discipline.
The shortlisted candidates called for interview will be paid not more than III AC train fare by the shortest route, from their reported point of residence to the interview venue and back. There will not be any reimbursement for candidates based abroad to attend interviews. On special request, interviews through video conferencing may be considered in the case of candidates based abroad.

Financial Aid
The participants of the FPM will be given a fellowship of Rs. 25,000/- per month in the first and second years; and Rs. 30,000/- per month for the third and fourth years. In addition to this, a merit fellowship of Rs. 10,000/- per month in the second year and Rs. 15,000/- per month in the third and fourth years is given to the deserving participants.
All the participants will receive a contingency grant of Rs. 1,85,000/- distributed across four years of the programme.
The participants will be provided potential financial support for attending national and international conferences as well as for academic exchange visits to partner institutions as per the institute norms.
The FPM of IIM Rohtak is a residential programme and all the participants are required to stay in the campus. The existing medical facilities that are being used by other members of the institute will be available to them.
IIM Rohtak will not charge tuition and certain other related fees from the participants who receive the fellowship. They are expected to pay for their food expenses, admission offer acceptance fee, alumni association fee, placement fee and any other fee specified. Family accommodation charges with electricity and water charges will be applicable, if availed.
The participants who are admitted under the categories of non-resident Indians, persons of Indian origin living abroad and other foreign citizens will be required to pay the following fees:

Fee for NRIs, PIOs & Foreigners
(US$ -All Inclusive Except Boarding)
Foreigners Non-OECD
Foreigners OECD
i           j
600 bi-annual
1250 bi-annual
2000 bi-annual

FPM Process
The FPM consists of two major phases. In the first phase, the participants will attend courses in the first two years. In the first year, most of the courses are from the Post Graduate Programme (PGP) and builds the fundamental understanding in Management. In the second year, all the courses are designed exclusively for the FPM that strengthen the specialization area of the participants. Along with the second year courses, a participant will be undertaking a pre-thesis dissertation work. At the end of first year, the participants will undertake a Summer Internship facilitated by the Institute. After two years, the participants are expected to pass a comprehensive viva voce examination to infer that they have acquired the necessary capabilities to undertake independent research. The transition from one year to the next year is based on stipulated performance of the participants.
In the second phase, the participant will develop and present a research proposal. After undertaking the required research as proposed, the participant will submit the doctoral thesis before the end of fourth year. The submission of thesis will be permitted after the participant publishes a peer reviewed international journal article (or a paper is accepted for publication) and a national/international conference proceedings paper. During the course work, the participants will be mentored by the faculty advisor and followed, in the third year, by a research advisory committee consisting of three faculty members to guide the research and the dissertation writing. The thesis will be examined by a panel of experts who are well recognized in the research domain of the thesis.

The participant with an IIM PGDM is exempted from the first year PGP coursework. All the participants are permitted to submit the thesis after spending three years at the institute.

Application form can be freely downloaded from the institute’s website. A filled-in form along with an application fee of Rs. 500/- in the form of a crossed DD should be received at the institute by January 30, 2014.

Application form and other details are available at:

Further details can be obtained from:
The Faculty In-Charge
FPM Office
Indian Institute of Management Rohtak
MDU Campus, Rohtak, Haryana, India. 124001

Phone: 01262-228506 Fax: 01262-274051  

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