Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Army Institute of Law - LAW ENTRANCE TEST (LET) FOR ADMISSION 2012

Army Institute of Law
Sector 68, Mohali (Punjab) -160062 E-mail: info@armyinstituteoflaw.org


As per Government of Punjab notification No. 13/ 10/ 20lO-6Edu1/1161 dated 9 May, 2012, out of  80 seats of Army Institute of Law, Mohali, 16 seats of Punjab Residents of Civil Category will be filled, based on 10 + 2 merit through online couriselling'by Punjabi University, Patiala and 60 seats of wards of Army Personnel and 04 seats of All India General Category will be filled by AIL, Mohali, through a Written Entrance Test followed by centralized counselling by, Punjabi University, Patiala, For detail's visit www.armyinstituteoflaw.org & www.punjabiuniversity.ac.in

Admission Helpline Telephone No. 0172-5095336, 5095337, 5095338 

Important Dates:-
Availability of Prospectus & Application Form : 21 May, 2012 '
(on line or by post)
Last Date of Submission of Application- cum-admission form on or before 4.30 pm (on line or by post) 4 June, 2012 
Last Pate with Late Fee of Rs. 300/-  7 June, 2012
Date of Entrance Test (2.30 pm to 4.30 pm) 17 June, 2012


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