No. CCSIT/CUC/B.Sc. IT-Admission/2010
Dated: 21/05/2012
Applications are invited for admission to B.Sc. IT Course under self-financed scheme for the academic year 2012- 2015 at Thalikkulam regional centre of CCSIT, University of Calicut.
Address of the Centre
1 .Centre for Computer Science and Information Technology, OVHSS, Thalikkulam, Thrissur (Ph: 0487-2607112 )
Eligibility for Admission
A pass (eligible for higher studies) in the Higher Secondary Examination or its equivalent with a minimum of 27 GPV, with Mathematics as one of the papers. A concession of 3 GPV will be given to OBC/OEC candidates. The SC/ST candidates need get only a pass (eligible for higher studies)
Number of Seats 30
SC/ST/OEC/OBC/BPI. reservation is applicable as per Government rules as adopted by the University from time to time.
Duration of the Course: 6 Semesters.
Mode of Selection: On the basis of merit
Fee Structure
Admission fee- Rs. 2500/-Tution fee-Rs.7000/- per semester
Caution Deposit (refundable after completion of four scmesters)-Rs. 2000/-Fec of application form - Rs.50/-
DD in favour of the Finance Officer, University of Calicut payable at SBT, Calicut University Branch.
Chalan remitted under any of the following heads of account.
1. Treasuries in Malappuram District: 8443-00-106 PD account of Calicut University.
2 Treasuries in other districts 8658-00-102-96(02) CUS
3 FRIENDS within territorial jurisdiction of University of Calicut.
4 Selected Branches of SBT.
5.University Cash Counter at Pareeksha Bhavan
Source of receipt and submission of application form
Application form can be downloaded from the university website or can be had from CCSIT-Thalikkulam upon payment of Rs.50/-. Filled in application along with chalan/DD drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, University of Calicut for an amount of Rs. 50/- (in the case of downloaded application forms) and a self - addressed Stamped (Rs. 5/-) envelope should reach the office of the Associate Co-Ordinator before the last date of submission of application. Belated or applications without the prescribed fee will be rejected without any notice.
The last date of receipt of filled in application form : 04.6.2012.
Date of Interview/Admission (Tentative) : 18.6.2012.
Address for sending filled in applications.
The Associate Co-ordinator,
Centre for Computer Science and Information Technology, GVHSS, Thalikkulam, Thrissur District.
For details, visit :
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