Tuesday, July 3, 2012

GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY M.Sc in Natural Resource Management (NRM) Admission Notice 2012-13

Established by Govt of NCT of Delhi
(’A’ Grade NAAC Accredited University)
(ISO 9001: 2008 Certified)
Sec 16 C, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
Tel. : +91-11-2530 2167-169/011-2530 2362-63 Website : www.ipu.ac.in

M.Sc in Natural Resource Management (NRM) Admission Notice 2012-13


1. Commencement of sale of Admission Brochure along with 02-07-2012
application form from the designated branch of Indian Bank & University School of Environment Management (USEM)
2.  Last date for request of brochure by post       10-07-2012
3. Last date for submission of Application Form 12-07-2012
4. Date of Display of List of applicants on University's Website 16-07-2012
5. Date of Common Entrance Test 21-07-2012
6. Declaration of CET Result 27-07-2012
7. Display of detailed schedule of first counselling on the 30.07.2012
University website (www.ipu.ac.in)
8. Date of first counselling for admission to be held in the 03.08.2012
University campus
9. Last date of withdrawal 10.08.2012
10. Display of vacancies if any and schedule for 2nd round of 13.08.2012
counselling on the University's website (www.ipu.ac.in)
11. Date of 2nd counselling for admission to be held on the 16.08.2012 University campus
12. Commencement of the Academic Session 06.08.2012

Details of Programme M. Sc. (NRM)

About the Course

Eligibility Conditions
      Bachelor's Degree with Life-Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences, Earth Science,
      Agriculture, Geography/Economics with B. Sc background and having minimum of 50% marks in

Natural Resource Management (NRM) is an integrated & multidisciplinary approach of Earth-Science, LifeScience, Environmental Science, Social Science and Management Science to study, manage and restore natural resources and ecosystems.  The field is applicable in wilderness, forestry, recreational, agricultural andurban areas to sustain and support abiotic and biotic resources and in addressing problems associated with the management of our environment.  Natural Resource Management helps to balance the needs of people and economy with the ability of ecosystems to support soil, water, agriculture, forests, wildlife, fish, recreational resources etc.   Ideally, these professionals look for ways to make responsible natural resource management decisions which consider all stakeholders, including communities, agencies and business/industry.
The University School of Environment Management will get a potential support under this programme to strengthen the School Educational Programme for the higher studies.  The Natural Resource Management (NRM) curriculum requires in-depth understanding on the subject of Environmental Degradation and Unsustainable Consumption of Resources.  There are only few Universities in India who offered such course on NRM. There are huge infrastructures and economic development is planned in India, in the future, to maintain the economic growth.  Natural resources are key for the growth and prosperity of the nation.  Such courses will develop contemporary expertise with domain knowledge which will help students through there advanced curriculum.
The contemporary course will supply the manpower required for industries, sectoral business and for future knowledge development for managing their natural resources.

Number of Seats: Sanctioned intake for M. Sc.(NRM) is 25

Course Duration: Two years (Four Semesters)

Examination: The University has adopted the semester examination system for most of the educational programmes.  In addition to End Term Examination, there is continuous evaluation of student’s performance throughout the academic programme.   The Odd Semester Examination are conducted in month of December-January and Even Semester Examination are conducted in the month of May-June every year.

Evaluation and Award of Degree
The overall weightage of a course in the syllabi and Scheme of Examination is determined in terms of credits assigned to the course.  Obtaining a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate in each course including the End Term Examination and teachers continuous evaluation is essential to earn the assigned credits.  A student who secures less than 50% of marks in a course is, therefore, deemed to have failed in that course.  A student is eligible for the award of University degree, if he/she has registered himself/herself, has undergone the regular course of studies, completed the project report/dissertation specified in the curriculum of his/her programme within the stipulated time, and has secured the minimum number of credits as prescribed for the award of concerned degree.

Submission of Application Form
1. The Application Form complete in all respects in the sealed printed envelope given along with Admission Brochure, should be submitted by hand at the University counter or it may be sent by Registered/Speed Post to the Controller of Examinations, Administrative Block, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sec 16 C, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 latest by 12th July, 2012 by 5 p.m.
2. After the last date is over, application form sent through Registered/Speed Post or by any other means will not be accepted, irrespective of the fact when the form was despatched/posted. Therefore, candidates are advised to submit their applications at the earliest, instead of waiting for the last date.
3. Display of Information on the University's Website regarding receipt of Application Forms for the Common Entrance Tests - 2012:
(i) On 16th July, 2012 at 5.00 p.m. the details of application forms received by the Office of the Controller of Examinations upto the last date i.e.12th July, 2012 will be displayed on the University Website (www.ipu.ac.in). The candidates are advised to check their status with the help of Application Form number indicated on the Application Form.
(ii) In  case any candidate, who has submitted the application form either by post or in-person, does not find his/her application form number on the University's Website, then he/she is advised to contact the Office of Controller of Examinations, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, immediately (but not later than  18th July, 2012) alongwith the relevant particulars (photocopy of the duly filled-in CET Application Form and proof of its delivery to the University). In case of any query, candidate may contact on  011-25302287/ 011-25302362.
4. No document (copies of certificates, mark-sheets etc.) is required to be attached with the Application Form.
5. Write the complete address by giving your name and PIN CODE carefully and legibly. Please note that this address will be used by the University for all the correspondence in future. Therefore, it should be very clearly written with black ball point pen only. The address should be properly filled up in the prescribed boxes and should not overflow. The University will not be responsible for any loss in transit or for incorrect address given by the applicant in the CET Application Form. No request for change of address will be entertained till the admission is finalized.

Visit here for more information: http://ipu.ac.in/cet2012/adm12br11020711.pdf

For further information please contact:

Sector 16 C, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075 (India)
Tel. : +91-11-2530 2167-169/011-2530 2362-63 Website : www.ipu.ac.in

Price : Rs.1000/- (inclusive of Application Form)

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