Thursday, March 22, 2012

National School of Drama Diploma in Dramatic Arts Admissions 2012

National School of Drama
Bahawalpur House, 1 Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: +9111 - 23382821, Email

Diploma in Dramatic Arts Admissions 2012

National School of Drama, New Delhi starts admission to three year Diploma in Dramatic Arts.

The National School of Drama provides a three-year full-time Diploma Course for entrants intending to make theatre their profession.
The central aim of the course is to prepare students for the practice of theatre.
To this end a variety of practical skills must be developed and a corpus of knowledge acquired. While all areas of study are assessed separately and a high standard of work demanded in each, the most important intention of the course is the development of the intangible concept of creative imagination and its expression within the collective framework of a group.

In the year 2012, 26 students will be selected for the three-year, full-time course in Dramatic Arts. The candidates should apply in the prescribed application form. The request for the application form and prospectus should be accompanied by a demand draft of Rs. 225 (inclusive of Rs. 75 for postage), made out in favour of:

The Director
National School of Drama
Bahawalpur House
Bhagwan Das Road
New Delhi 110 001

The application form and prospectus are also available online, at x

Before applying or making DD the candidates should call or contact the concerned authorities for the clarification of DD remittance fee.

Contact here:
National School of Drama

Bahawalpur House ,
1 Bhagwandas Road,
New Delhi-110 001
Phone: +9111 - 23382821

The demand drafts should be crossed ‘Account Payee only’.
Testimonials, copies of certificates and four recent, passport-size photographs should be submitted with the application form.
Original testimonials and certificates may be required to be produced at the time of the interview.

Graduation/B.A. degree in any subject from a recognized university.
Proficiency in the mother tongue, and a working knowledge of Hindi and English.
Active participation in at least six theatre productions or in any other field related to theatre.

Admission is open to all men and women between the ages of 20 and 30 years.
The upper age limit may be relaxed by five years for candidates belonging to SC/ST categories.

The medium of instruction at the School is Hindi and/or English, depending on the subject. Plays, however, are performed mostly in Hindi.

The screening of applicants is carried out in two stages. The preliminary screening comprises an audition or practical test, and is conducted in New Delhi and four other centres, usually Kolkata, Bangalore, Mumbai and Guwahati.

Candidates recommended by the Preliminary Selection Committee will go through to a final round of selection in New Delhi, which is in the form of a 4 to 5 days’ workshop. In this final selection, the emphasis will be on the candidate’s attitude towards learning and participation in collective work. To make the selection process broad-based, it is ensured that candidates represent as many states and union territories of India as possible. Candidates called for the final round of selection will be paid TA/DA from their hometown to the place of interview in Delhi and back, by the shortest route, after they provide train/bus tickets, receipts, etc. They will be given accommodation in the School students’ hostel.


Out of the total of 26 seats, 5 seats are reserved for SC/ST candidates and 5 seats for OBC candidates. Preference will be given to candidates from families traditionally belonging to the performing arts.


Due to the limited number of seats, only 1 to 2 foreign-national candidates may be admitted to the course. Such students have to submit their applications through the Indian Embassy/High Commission in their countries, who will in turn forward these to the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), Delhi. The School will only consider applications recommended by the ICCR.


The Diploma in Dramatic Arts awarded by the School is recognized by the Government of India for purposes of recruitment to superior Central Government posts and services where specialization is required in the field of Dramatics. The Diploma is equal to a Master’s degree in Dramatics, and graduates of the School are eligible for appointment as teachers as well as for registration in research and doctoral programmes in colleges and universities.


Candidates selected for admission will have to pay all fees and other dues, as listed below, before the opening day, failing which they will not be admitted into the School.

Admission fee: Rs. 150
Tuition fee: Rs. 150 per month
Students’ Union membership fee: Rs. 60 per year
Costume fee for exercise classes: Rs. 1500 (approx.)
Advance fee for make-up kit: Rs. 2000 (adjustable)
Caution money and library fee deposit: Rs. 9000 (refundable after final settlement of accounts)
Stationery fee: Rs. 1650
Hostel, Mess and Other Miscellaneous Dues
Hostel rent per seat: Rs. 200 per month
Electricity & water charges: Rs. 100 per month (adjustable as per consumption)
Hostel expenses: Rs. 14 per month
Medical charges: Rs. 100 per month
Mess charges (for lunch and dinner): Rs. 1350 per month (likely to vary every month)

Students are advised to keep an additional provision of Rs.1000 at the time of joining, to cover any price rise/hike that may occur in the above-mentioned items.


The School awards a scholarship of Rs. 6000 (Rupees Six thousand only) per month to selected candidates.

Students who are awarded the scholarship by the School will be required:
execute a bond of Rs. 2,16,000 (Rupees Two lakh sixteen thousand only), to the effect that if he/ she decides to discontinue the course before the end of three years, or is made to discontinue the course on disciplinary grounds, he/she will then return all the money paid as scholarship to him/her before such discontinuance.
To furnish a surety/undertaking for Rs. 2,16,000 (Rupees Two lakh sixteen thousand only), duly attested by a District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner (Revenue Authorities).

Classes are normally held from 8 am to 6 pm, with breaks for tea and lunch in-between. Rehearsals and other practical work continue in the evenings till such time as required, and also on holidays, as the case may be.


Each academic year is divided into two semesters. The first semester extends from 15th July to 15th December, and is followed by the winter vacation from 16th December to 15th January. The second semester extends from 16th January to 15th May, followed by the summer vacation from 16th May to 14th July. These dates may be changed, or the vacations curtailed, by the School in special circumstances.


There are separate hostels for girls and boys. Accommodation provided to the students may be on a room-sharing or dormitory basis. It is compulsory for all students to join the hostel.

General Information

In order to be eligible for their examination, first-year students are required to maintain a minimum of 90% attendance in all classes (including morning classes), and at all rehearsals and productions. Second-year and third-year students have to maintain a minimum attendance of 75% in classes for each group -- i.e. acting, production, literature and stagecraft -- as a whole, and 90% attendance at rehearsals.

In addition to attendance, punctuality is required for all classes, exercises, lectures, rehearsals, etc. Late attendance for three days or absence from three classes will be treated as equivalent to one full day’s absence.

The above requirements of minimum attendance may, however, be relaxed in exceptional cases, at the discretion of the Director and the Faculty.

The attendance of students will be calculated on a semester basis, and any student failing to fulfil the required level of attendance will not be allowed to appear in the semester examinations. Such students will then forfeit the right to continue their study in the School.

No medical leave for a period exceeding three days will be granted without an authorised medical certificate from the School’s doctor.


Students are not allowed to enter into any arrangement for training outside the School.
Students are not allowed to seek or accept any public engagements, either on the amateur or professional stage, or in radio, television or films. They may not seek or accept any employment during their term of study.
Students must conduct themselves in accordance with the rules governing manners and appearance. Any student found guilty of unbecoming conduct may be suspended or expelled from the School.
Consuming alcohol on the School premises is strictly prohibited.
Students are not allowed to invite visitors or friends to classes, lectures or rehearsals, except with prior permission from the Director.
It is obligatory for the students to enact any role that they are handed. They must participate in rehearsals and perform the role in the manner required by the teachers or the director pf the play.
Students must acquire all books, material or equipment as directed. Such material is available in the School stores, and its cost is deducted from the students’ scholarship.
Students have to abide by the hostel, mess and library rules.
Students violating rules are liable to severe disciplinary action.

Every selected candidate and his/her parents shall submit an undertaking in the prescribed form vouching for the good conduct of the student. Violation of the undertaking will result in appropriate action being taken against the student, including suspension/expulsion. This undertaking is required to be given as per the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 04.05.2001 in W.P.(C) No. 656/1998, the relevant portion of which is quoted below:

“Anti-ragging movement should be initiated by the institutions right from the time of advertisement for admissions. The prospectus, the form for admission and/ or any other literature issued to aspirants for admission must clearly mention that ragging is banned in the institution and anyone indulging in ragging is likely to be punished appropriately which punishment may include expulsion from the institution, suspension from the institution or classes for a limited period or fine with a public apology. The punishment may also take the shape of: (i) withholding scholarships or other benefits (ii) debarring from representation in events (iii) withholding results (iv) suspension or expulsion from hostel or mess and the like. If there be any legislation governing ragging or any provisions in the Statute/Ordinances they should be brought to the notice of the students/parents seeking admissions.

The application form for admission/enrolment shall have a printed undertaking to be filled up and signed by the candidate to the effect that he/she is aware of the institution’s approach towards ragging and the punishments to which he or she shall be liable if found guilty of ragging. A similar undertaking shall be obtained from the parent/guardian of the applicant.

Such of the institutions as are introducing such a system for the first time shall ensure undertakings being obtained from the students and their parents/guardians already studying in the institutions before the commencement of the next educational year/session.”


The School will supply students, free of charge, a mount board, drawing paper and wood for classroom purposes only. Any other material will have to be purchased by the students. Each student will be allotted a locker for his/her material and personal belongings.

On admission, students will have to buy the required notebooks and make-up kit, the total cost of which is Rs. 3000 approximately.


Students will be evaluated both during and at the end of each semester. In this evaluation, their regular work, projects and participation in productions will be considered along with assessment of their performance during the semester and in the end-semester examination. All evaluation will be taken into account from one semester to the next, and from one year to the next, for the final award of the diploma. The marks obtained by students at the end of each year will be calculated by adding 50% of the average of total marks obtained by them in theory and practical subjects in monthly or periodic tests, to 50% of the total marks obtained by them in the end-semester examination. This will continue every year. An average of the marks obtained each year will be calculated for the third and final year, to qualify for the diploma.

All assessments and evaluations will be mentioned under the marking system on the mark sheet (100 marks for each subject).

Students will be promoted to the next year at the end of the second and fourth semesters, that is, at the end of the first and second years. Passing marks will accrue at the end of the third year. The final results will carry the student’s Cumulative Marking Point Average (aggregate marks). In order to pass the course, the student has to obtain 40% marks in individual subjects and 50% in the aggregate.

If a student fails to get 40% marks in at least two subjects, he/she will be allowed to appear for the supplementary examination, provided the work in those subjects is not of a collective nature and that he/she has acquired a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate. Therefore, if a student fails to participate in a production or any other subject requiring collective work, or if he/she gets less than 50% marks in the aggregate, the student will not be entitled to appear for the supplementary examination. In such a case, the concerned student will have to leave the School. The supplementary examination in any subject will be held soon after the student fails in that subject. If such an examination is held in the first, third and fifth semesters, then the marks obtained in the supplementary examination will be carried over to the year-end examination for calculating the total marks.

The Academic Council of the School is the competent authority to change rules as and when deemed fit, after reviewing the system and stating reasons for change. Students will have to abide by any decision(s) made by the Council.

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